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What's All The Fuss About in Arizona? April 27, 2010

Notice how the media head lines shape your perception of the issue.  Many sources focus on the boycott, the outcry, the conflict, the furor and the split.  Few news stories focus on actual facts, if there is a reason to fear this law and what it will actually do.  Read the law for yourself here.  How many people protesting have actually read the law and know what it will do?  How many translators have been working round the clock to inform the protesters?  Is protesting something you don't know and understand similar to screaming "FIRE" in a crowded theater?  How is acting on emotion alone without a foundation of truth dangerous?

Fact Focused
Fears of Arizona's Immigration Law Are Bogus -Fox

Almost Fact Focused
What Does Arizona's Immigration Law Do -CNN

Pure Hype
AZ Gov. Dismisses Threat of Economic Boycott -Yahoo News
Outcry Continues Over Controversial Ariz. Immigration Law -ABC
AZ Immigration Conflict Heats Up -CBS
Furor Grows Over AZ Law Against Immigrants -MSNBC
Growing Split in Arizona Over Immigration -NY Times

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